The Republic Of Endor
Falling Rocks


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I love this skit. Ben Staats and I do it so well.

Falling Rocks: A Dramatic Skit

Narrated words appear in bold. Jester's actions appear in (italic parentheses).

This is an ancient Indian legend. It was originally done with only signs. The signs have been translated into English. As my friend reads the translation, I will act out the story as it might have once been seen.

Once upon a time (put one finger up and then point to watch), a long time ago (put fingers together then stretch apart, then point to watch), there was an Indian campsite (hold three fingers in a triangle). In this campsite (finger triangle), the chief (give yourself bunny ears) died (fall). So the tree wise men ([in high voice] Larry, Curly, Hey Moe!) decided (pose like the thinker) to appoint (point at the crowd and say "A") a new chief (bunny ears) so they took (pretend like you are taking something) three (hold up three fingers ) strong (pose) brave (pose) handsome (whip hair back) braves (pose). And they gave them (pretend like you are giving something) three (hold up three fingers) small (put hand close to ground, then raise it quickly) tasks (look confused and motion narrator to go on).

The braves (pose) were Deadly-Dear-Who-Dances-Heavy-Disco (do a disco dance), Ugly-Man-Who-Hides-His-Face (hide your face, then put your other arm in your elbow hole), and Falling-Rocks (fall). The three tasks (three fingers) they gave them (pretend like you are giving something) were to pluck a feather from the Oh-No bird (jump around holding your butt and say "Oh-No! Oh-No!), catch a skunk from the magic forest (hold something at the end of your arm and pinch your nose) and stand in line for showers without a towel (put your hands on your hips and look proud).

The first (one finger) brave (pose) Deadly-Dear-Who-Dances-Heavy-Disco (disco dance) went out (point to your left). One moon passed (point butt at audience) and Deadly-Dear-Who-Dances-Heavy-Disco (disco dance) returned (point fingers to your right). He had plucked a feather from the Oh-No bird (do the oh-no! thing) and caught a skunk from the magic forest (do the skunk thing) but (point at butt) he could not stand in line for showers without a towel (put hands on hips, then look embarrassed).

The second (two fingers) brave (pose), Ugly-Man-Who-Hides-His-Face (do the arm thing) went out (point to your left). Two moons passed (point butt at audience twice) and Ugly-Man-Who-Hides-His-Face (arm thing) returned (point to your right). He had plucked a feather from the Oh-No Bird (do the Oh-No! thing) and stood in line for showers without a towel (do the shower thing). But (point at butt) he could not catch a skunk from the magic forest (do the skunk thing, then kick it).

The third (three fingers) brave (pose), Falling-Rocks (fall) went out (point to your left). Three moons passed (point butt at audience) but (point at butt) Falling-Rocks (fall) did not return (look around with hand as a visor over eyes). More moons passed (moon audience a lot) but (point at butt) Falling-Rocks (fall) did not return (look around with hand a visor). So the three wise men ([in high voice] Larry, Curly, Hey Moe!) decided (pose like the thinker) that Falling-Rocks (fall) was dead (fall). Yes, they decided (pose like the thinker) that Fallings-Rocks (fall) was dead (fall), dead (fall), dead (fall). Yes, Falling-Rocks (fall) was dead (fall). And did I mention that Falling Rocks (fall) was dead (fall).

And so, today (point at ground) where the white man (do a Vanna White at the narrator) drives (pretend like you are driving, then crash into narrator) you can see (look around with hand as visor) signs (make a square with your fingers) that say watch (point at your watch) for Falling-Rocks (fall).